lost in wonder, love, and praise… in transition

Sometimes thresholds are awakenings to unexpected seasons…

In the 70s, from Lyons to Paris, sick from the movement of the train and of my life…

In the 80s, from San Francisco to San Diego, grieving losses and clearing…

from San Diego to Los Angeles, saying “yes” to Jim, to Josh, Andrew, Betsy and Mary…  and to UCLA…

In the 90s, from LA to Berkeley, dislocating family, planting new ministries…

In the 2000s, a soul well met with mission as pastor, Epworth UMC…

In the 2010s, call to return to teaching and vocational formation work…

In 2017, leaving seminary and appointed ministry,

then saying “yes” to a year with the American Church in Paris…

No sleep dims the impact of transmogrification to this year of life and ministry.

Now I dwell in the land of discombobulation.


Wholly weak

Holy Week

every day


Song of souls

broken open

to mystery

Body of Christ

crucified again and again.



Daily bread

broken in memory

of the future.

Dive deep

and surface.

Believe Resurrection

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